
a mythical journey to the underworld

Let ME Go is inspired by the Sumerian myth of Inanna’s descent to the underworld to visit her sister Ereshkigal. Only fragments of this story survive, inscribed on clay tablets in cuneiform. Inanna must pass through seven gates and at each relinquish a symbol of her power and status in order to enter the underworld - from which no mortal can return.

Antonella Diana and Helen Varley Jamieson have created a sensual interactive journey and a concurrent online installation. Audiences in the physical space interact with visitors to the online installation, combining dualities such as the physical and the virtual/spritiual, the visceral and the technological, the heavens and the underworld. Antonella Diana is visual art, scenographer and a founding member of Teatret OM. Helen Varley Jamieson is a theatre practitioner and digital artist who creates cyberformance - live performance on the internet.

Moerket (Darkness) Festival
3-30 October 2009
Public Libraries in Struer, Holstebro,
Skjern & Ikast, Denmark.

visit the online installation . . .


"This is a beautiful and mesmerizing performance artwork that must have taken ages to make!! More people should see this. Imagine if it were at the British Museum? I loved the voice, the video and the blue webcam images. Sorry to have missed the live performance elements ..." Karla Ptacek.


descend the steps to begin ...

en mytisk rejse til underverdenen

Let ME Go er inspireret af myten om den sumeriske gudinde Inanna og hendes nedstigning til underverdenen for at besøge søsteren Ereshkigal. Kun fragmenter af denne gamle historie har overlevet, indskrevet på lertavler i Cuneiform (den ældste form for skriftlig overlevering). I myten må Inanna gå igennem syv porte og ved hver port skal hun opgive et symbol på sin magt og status for at kunne komme ind i underverdenen - det sted, hvorfra ingen dødelig kan vende tilbage.

Antonella Diana og Helen Varley Jamieson har skabt en sanselig interaktiv rejse med en sideløbende online-installation. Publikum kan i det fysiske rum interagere med besøgende på online-installationen, der samler dualiteter såsom den fysiske og den virtuelle / spirituelle, det dybe og det teknologiske, himlen og underverdenen. Antonella Diana er maler og scenograf og en af grundlæggerne af Teatret OM. Helen Varley Jamieson er digitalkunstner, der skaber cyberformance - live performance på internettet.

this installation uses UpStage and features:
the voice of Frida Molsted Noergaard;
Guillermo Angelelli as Neti the Gatekeeper;
Valborg Jensen as Ereshkigal;
& Rita Superbi as Ninshubur the drummer.

Thanks to Frederik L. Gravgård, Enrico Mazzone, Dina Abu Hamdan, Simone Morosi,
Tippe Molsted & Suzon Fuks

Let ME Go is produced by Teatret OM .




read more about Inanna's story


Let ME Go is dedicated to our grandmothers:
Elena Romagnoli, Eugenia Facchini Diana,
Lilian Rose Jamieson & Margaret Joan Holmes.




Premiered at the UR-NATUR Festival,
Ringkobing, Danmark: 10-14 June 2009