fine snow began falling this afternoon – well, not so much falling as dancing about in the air. but enough of it made its way to ground level for everything to be lovely & white again – the perfect backdrop to a lovely lazy sunday where i have not got dressed, let alone left the apartment, but i have:
- made a batch of toasted meusli
- upgraded wordpress for the make-shift site – without any problems & it only took about 20 minutes!
- done an hour of yoga including backbends & a passable ardha chandrasana (half-moon pose) on my right leg (my weak leg)
- cooked a chickpea & cauliflower curry & a particularly good dahl
- dealt with several emails for numerous projects
- watched an episode of “the L word” (i’m slowly working my way thru series 1, only about 7 years behind the times … )
not bad for a lazy sunday, eh? now i think i’ll have a bath