my work is live performance, which means i’m not usually “exhibiting” work; however from time to time i end up in an exhibition for one reason or another. unusually at the moment, i’ve got work in two different exhibitions, one in munich and one in london.

in munich, i’m at the GEDOK gallery as part of the exhibition “LET GO_D THINGS HAPPEN”, curated by cornelia oßwald-hoffman. subtitled “conceptual art in progress”, this is a continuation of “the repository of art and knowledge”, which conny invited me to participate in back in 2012. this repository is a collection of unfinished or unrealised works, with each artist or project represented by a file containing material relating to an unfinished work. in my case, i’ve contributed a skype performance that i prepared for “open borders”, a day of networked performance curated by adriene jenik and charley ten for the 2008 conference Actions of Transfer: Women’s Performance in the Americas. at the moment that adriene cued me to start my performance, skype failed and i had to restart; by the time i was back, she’d had to cue the next performer, and in the end there was no gap to put me back in. the “repository of art and knowledge” was first at das Klohäuschen and then at Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Potsdam in 2012. in this latest exhibition, conny has broadened the concept to include presentations by artists around the question, “What happens when you stop the conceptual artist in the middle of the work process?” – not only looking at work that was never completed but also at work that will be completed, but frozen in a moment in the process.
you can use the QR code at the right to access a rehearsal recording of the never-performed performance

the other exhibition is “Culture and Practice”, part of the 2016 Libre Graphics Meeting which takes place this year at the University of Westminster in london. It is a group exhibition of work produced with open source software, around the theme “Other Dimensions”. UpStage is a featured project, with a video of selected showreels and recordings, and explanatory panels telling the story of the project. i’ll have the chance to see this exhibition when i pass through london on my way home from a meeting in cardiff about the future complete rebuild of UpStage/new cyberformance platform …