For some time now, I’ve been experimenting with projecting animated text onto mirrors – either with small flexible mirrors that allow the projection to beRead More
For some time now, I’ve been experimenting with projecting animated text onto mirrors – either with small flexible mirrors that allow the projection to beRead More
I recently had the privilege of attending the third Tantidhatri Festival, a Magdalena festival held in different locations in India since 2012. This time, fromRead More
The Transit Festival has come and gone once again. This was the 8th Transit festival, organised roughly every three years since 1992 by Julia VarleyRead More
Every Magdalena festival has its own unique character, determined by the people organising it and its location. The Tantidhatri festival, held first in 2012 inRead More
during november & december i’ve been working with annie abrahams on our collaboration “unaussprechbarlich“; we started a few months ago with the research (building onRead More
Dezember 4 20h Schwere Reiter Proberaum, Dachauer Straße 114, München. Tram 12, 20, 21, Bus 53, Leonrodplatz. Eintrit 12 / 8 euros. Unausprechbarlich untersucht dieRead More
Who would have thought i’d find my way onto page 2 of Brasil’s largest newspaper, O Globlobo? But there I am, staring mysteriously out ofRead More
in 2007, when i had just started my masters, i went to a conference on theatre and intermediality, in montreal and quebec. i gave aRead More
i’ve been living in munich for 5 years; it’s a long time, it’s also a short time. i’ve done a lot in that time, butRead More