Last year, UpStage participated in “Letters to the Earth” – organised by theatre people in the UK, in response to the climate emergency. The publicRead More
Last year, UpStage participated in “Letters to the Earth” – organised by theatre people in the UK, in response to the climate emergency. The publicRead More
having not posted since october last year, and being an irregular blogger at the best of times, i do have to ask myself what isRead More
herbst (autumn) has come and gone too quickly this year. one day i was enjoying riding my bike in the warm evening air, the nextRead More
during november & december i’ve been working with annie abrahams on our collaboration “unaussprechbarlich“; we started a few months ago with the research (building onRead More
Dezember 4 20h Schwere Reiter Proberaum, Dachauer Straße 114, München. Tram 12, 20, 21, Bus 53, Leonrodplatz. Eintrit 12 / 8 euros. Unausprechbarlich untersucht dieRead More
in 2007, when i had just started my masters, i went to a conference on theatre and intermediality, in montreal and quebec. i gave aRead More
i’ve been living in munich for 5 years; it’s a long time, it’s also a short time. i’ve done a lot in that time, butRead More
a week or so ago, we had some very warm weather that made the thick layer of snow vanish before our eyes, after lying onRead More
one thing you should never ask in deutschkurs is “warum?” because you’ll either get no answer, or one that is so complicated you end upRead More
in week 2 of the deutsch course, we have begun to learn “der, die, das”. not that there is anything to learn – it’s generallyRead More