As spring turns into summer, I am watching a crows’ nest from my window, where two babies have just hatched and the parents are busyRead More
As spring turns into summer, I am watching a crows’ nest from my window, where two babies have just hatched and the parents are busyRead More
June is shaping up to be a busy month: the first two weeks I will be in Denmark at the 10th Transit Festival, one ofRead More
The fact that the last time I posted here was in August last year (almost seven months ago) tells you that I have been failingRead More
The Magdalena Project is celebrating its 35th anniversary with a series of 35-minute interviews with 35 women from the network.
Last year while trying to have a sabbatical during the pandemic (which turned out to be impossible for someone whose artistic practice is online performance)Read More
Recently I’ve been giving quite a lot of presentations, and many of them have been recorded, which is quite nice. Here are some of them – enjoy!
For some time now, I’ve been experimenting with projecting animated text onto mirrors – either with small flexible mirrors that allow the projection to beRead More
I recently had the privilege of attending the third Tantidhatri Festival, a Magdalena festival held in different locations in India since 2012. This time, fromRead More
having not posted since october last year, and being an irregular blogger at the best of times, i do have to ask myself what isRead More
herbst (autumn) has come and gone too quickly this year. one day i was enjoying riding my bike in the warm evening air, the nextRead More