Every Magdalena festival has its own unique character, determined by the people organising it and its location. The Tantidhatri festival, held first in 2012 inRead More
Every Magdalena festival has its own unique character, determined by the people organising it and its location. The Tantidhatri festival, held first in 2012 inRead More
Who would have thought i’d find my way onto page 2 of Brasil’s largest newspaper, O Globlobo? But there I am, staring mysteriously out ofRead More
i’ve been living in munich for 5 years; it’s a long time, it’s also a short time. i’ve done a lot in that time, butRead More
i’m back in munich after a few weeks on the road with We have a situation! – all good but very busy, little time forRead More
i’ve had a few different nicknames in my life, but the one that has is the most used, and has the greatest history attached toRead More
dear imaginary blog reader, please do not expect too much of me at the moment. i’m in the recovery position after a very big augustRead More
mein deutschkurs hat gestern begann. die erste abend war nicht schwer, ich wußte schon alles. “ich heiße helen und ich komme aus neuseeland. woher kommenRead More
“outside of a dog, a woman’s best friend is a book. inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read!” wrote diane torr on theRead More
i’ve returned to münchen after just over 3 weeks in the uk. in my absence the trees have shed nearly all of their leaves, revealingRead More
last year, i happened to be in belgrade when the gay pride march was to be held; it was the first attempt to hold aRead More