Well into the twentieth century, clothes were pricey and precious enough that they were mended and cared for and reimagined countless times, and most peopleRead More
Well into the twentieth century, clothes were pricey and precious enough that they were mended and cared for and reimagined countless times, and most peopleRead More
I really do wonder what the Tate Modern means when they say that their “live performance room” is “the only place you can see artRead More
nearly a year has passed since the earthquake that devastated central christchurch, but the city is still a mess and the frequent aftershocks continue (althoughRead More
when i was a kid, we had hankies; if you were lucky, you had hankies with cute animal pictures on them, or embroidered flowers. whenRead More
frühling hat gesprengt (spring has sprung) – we are woken every morning by the drilling of the local woodpecker, night temperatures are above zero, &Read More
the slogan “reduce, reuse, recycle” has been around for at least 20 years now, but these days its seems that, at least in terms ofRead More
it is a bit freaky indeed, more so than we really want to think. the latest organic nz magazine has an article about wifi inRead More
i grew up in dunedin, near the bottom of new zealand’s south island. it gets pretty cold there, at least it feels it, because untilRead More
a couple of months ago, the howard government in australia declared a state of emergency in northern territory aboriginal communities, claiming that widespread child abuseRead More
this evening i’ve been enjoying the lunar eclipse, amongst other things. here in brisbane we saw it as a beautiful deep dark orangey-red colour, iRead More