As spring turns into summer, I am watching a crows’ nest from my window, where two babies have just hatched and the parents are busyRead More
As spring turns into summer, I am watching a crows’ nest from my window, where two babies have just hatched and the parents are busyRead More
The fact that the last time I posted here was in August last year (almost seven months ago) tells you that I have been failingRead More
The Magdalena Project is celebrating its 35th anniversary with a series of 35-minute interviews with 35 women from the network.
Recently I’ve been giving quite a lot of presentations, and many of them have been recorded, which is quite nice. Here are some of them – enjoy!
I’m delighted to have received a stipendium from Fonds Darstellende Kunst for Devising with Distance, a research, writing and dissemination project that reflects on andRead More
In 2020, many people encountered online performance for the first time. We asked some of our peers “When was your first online performance?”
My work is currently featured in two exhibitions – although neither is quite the usual kind of exhibit …
Chickens, cyberformance and the pandemic: Helen reflects on how her “sabbatical” is turning out to be very different to what she had expected.
Congratulations to neural.it, editor Alessandro Ludovico and the many contributors on 25 years of bringing critical discussion on new media art, electronic music and hacktivism to the world!
For some time now, I’ve been experimenting with projecting animated text onto mirrors – either with small flexible mirrors that allow the projection to beRead More