last night i had to call my new zealand bank because of an apparent problem with my credit card; the call was answered after aboutRead More
Author: helen varley jamieson

just to prove to you that i had one – it was last saturday, & i didn’t even look at or go near the computerRead More
dear imaginary blog reader, please do not expect too much of me at the moment. i’m in the recovery position after a very big augustRead More

it’s still 3 weeks away, but today i received 2 birthday presents & there’s another one tomorrow, so i’m declaring my birthday season officially begun!Read More

thunderstorms are rolling into munich every day from the north-west. usually at some time in the afternoon, a sudden strong wind appears, causing me toRead More

in may, i went to linz to attend LiWoLi; i then had 2 nights back in munich to wash my clothes before heading to romeRead More
when i was a kid, we had hankies; if you were lucky, you had hankies with cute animal pictures on them, or embroidered flowers. whenRead More
i am sitting on the stairs at nuovo cinema l’aquila in rome, watching the send message dialogue of my email client trying & trying &Read More

the third day of LiWoLi was as packed as the first two days, but despite distinct signs of tiredness amongst some there was no dropRead More

audrey & i were practically running to keep up with aileen as she headed at high speed to one of her favourite wine-drinking places. it’sRead More