last year, i happened to be in belgrade when the gay pride march was to be held; it was the first attempt to hold aRead More
last year, i happened to be in belgrade when the gay pride march was to be held; it was the first attempt to hold aRead More
in its simplest form, web-casting involves putting a camera in front of a performance happening in a physical space, and broadcasting it live via the internet. for cyberformance, on the other hand, the site of the performance IS the internet. the performance does not exist without the internet.
this afternoon i emptied out the bottom drawer of my filing cabinet, & consigned about a third of the contents to the recycling bin. iRead More
i was pretty surprised when i heard that obama had been awarded the nobel peace prize – when he hasn’t yet had the chance toRead More
yesterday wellington charmed me with her beauty: the harbour sparkling blue, the tararuas fading into the distance and the norfolk pines lining oriental bay completingRead More
i love coming home. i love it when the plane sinks below the clouds & the familiar coastline appears, the kaikouras glistening white to theRead More
i have to record here that i’m having my first-ever inf-flight online experience; as i waited to board this flight from new york to sanRead More
providence was great; once my lecture at brown university was done, i had no obligations other than to relax, so that was exactly what iRead More
today is my last day in europe; tomorrow i leave for new york, beginning my return homeward. today i bought another suitcase – a smallRead More
perhaps i dreamt it, but at some point in the last 6 weeks i had the strongest feeling that i was in belgrade. we wereRead More