one thing you should never ask in deutschkurs is “warum?” because you’ll either get no answer, or one that is so complicated you end upRead More
one thing you should never ask in deutschkurs is “warum?” because you’ll either get no answer, or one that is so complicated you end upRead More
in week 2 of the deutsch course, we have begun to learn “der, die, das”. not that there is anything to learn – it’s generallyRead More
mein deutschkurs hat gestern begann. die erste abend war nicht schwer, ich wußte schon alles. “ich heiße helen und ich komme aus neuseeland. woher kommenRead More
so now it’s 2011. i began this blog two years ago, after emerging from a pitch-black tunnel into 2009, & one year ago i satRead More
this morning it began snowing again, so heavily that within an hour everything was white once more and people’s footsteps disappeared quickly. the cars areRead More
it is a bit freaky indeed, more so than we really want to think. the latest organic nz magazine has an article about wifi inRead More
it’s snowing really heavily; andy won’t be happy, as today we’re driving to frankfurt, but i can’t help but be excited by snow’s magic. i’mRead More
i grew up in dunedin, near the bottom of new zealand’s south island. it gets pretty cold there, at least it feels it, because untilRead More
“outside of a dog, a woman’s best friend is a book. inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read!” wrote diane torr on theRead More
i’ve returned to münchen after just over 3 weeks in the uk. in my absence the trees have shed nearly all of their leaves, revealingRead More