i’m in linz, austria for LiWoLi, “Art Meets Radical Openness”. it’s a 3-day gathering of open source artists, developers & educators organised by ushi reiterRead More
i’m in linz, austria for LiWoLi, “Art Meets Radical Openness”. it’s a 3-day gathering of open source artists, developers & educators organised by ushi reiterRead More
this came through on the netbehaviour list today – a random blast from the past & a nice reminder that i must do some moreRead More
today it’s one year since i arrived in münchen. typically, it feels simultaneously like i’ve been here for much much longer and like i justRead More
the sun has moved around far enough now to stop me from working at about 5pm, which is quite good really. now it’s a hugeRead More
frühling hat gesprengt (spring has sprung) – we are woken every morning by the drilling of the local woodpecker, night temperatures are above zero, &Read More
can you spot me? (more info about the project here: http://www.ineradicablestain.com/skindex.html)
vicki & i were near the end of a long skype chat about our current UpStage funding proposal – it was almost 1am my timeRead More
fine snow began falling this afternoon – well, not so much falling as dancing about in the air. but enough of it made its wayRead More
a week or so ago, we had some very warm weather that made the thick layer of snow vanish before our eyes, after lying onRead More
the slogan “reduce, reuse, recycle” has been around for at least 20 years now, but these days its seems that, at least in terms ofRead More