R.I.P. Boomer
1994 - 14 March 2007

Bless You Boomer!
You were a good creature with personality and grace - not brutish and
dumb at all, but truly spectacular.
See you next time around.
RhysXO (Wellington)
Oh so sad
beloved pet
sweet memories
sweet dreams boomer
Kx (London)
Dave (Wellington)
I was really sorry to hear about boomer :-(
He was such a lovely cat and a real character.
I enjoyed the times I looked after him for you while you were away. He
was great company too.
You must be very sad as I know how fond you were of him.
I will toast him next time i have a whiskey and drink to his memory.
Cliff (Mapua)
I was so sad to hear that our lovely friend Boomer had
died .... He was a beautiful boy - one of those real gems. I especially
liked his party trick that he showed us one evening and hope to be able
to train Daisy to do something at least half as cute.
Jo (Wellington)
I am very sorry to hear about Boomer, I was REALLY looking
forward to visiting him next week ...
Lilicherie (Palmerston North)
I am sure he is flying happy after his very good life,
going to a new one
He was so cool, I remember him getting into street fights
He was very lucky he had so much love
I know so many cats who spend their whole life inside an apartment, life
is good in new Zealand
Have a good fly Boomer!!!!!!!!
Susana (New York)
I'm so sorry to hear Boomer has passed on! He was a
cool cat. He used to keep me company while I was studying. He had endless
patience, having to put up with Planet, kids, people in the house all
the time, babies, Simba.... He used to hide a lot but always came back
to sunbathe on the stones and sleep on the bed. I missed him after I left
the house. There was something he used to do that was totally different
from other cats - but I can't put my finger on what that was. Do you know?
He had a really unique characteristic... it used to make me laugh... I'll
have to think about it.
Saskia (Wellington)
I have very happy boomer memories of sharing kebab sticks
with him at new year 2005/2006. but what a great photo - a beautiful cat!
Alison (Edinburgh)
about boomer, sorry to hear that. we went out with jaz and michelle on
friday night and drank a toast in his honour
Brenda (Wellington)
very sorry to hear the news about Boomer. Sad timing
for you, but maybe he thought it was stylish to get as much international
communicating going as possible!!! I still miss Pop, these old friends
are never forgotten.
Zab (Sweden)
I am sure Boomer will r.i.p. after a great feline life.
Janet (Wellington)
That is sad news to read and I am sorry that you have
lost your feline... he was an old soul who must've figured he was ready
to move on up into another realm to watch over you...
Dale (Wellington)
That is indeed quite a shock. I'm going to put Boomer
as my Screensaver for the week as a mark of respect and sadness. The world
won't be quite the same without him.
Vicki (Auckland)