Please note: we are no longer actively maintaining this website; links on this page may now be broken, and there is a lot more research and activity in this area since these lists were last updated (ca. 2008).
by "Colliders"
- Writing 4 Cyberformance,
by Karla Ptacek and Helen Varley Jamieson; winner of the Process Award in trAce and Writers for the Future's New Media Article Writing Competition, Nov. 2004.
- Dating, relating, & performing
inside the internet, an article about "swim - an exercise in remote intimacy" by Helen in the third issue of Artefact
("Technomythologies, edited by Marina Grzinic)
- Abstract of Karla's article in Digital Creativity: Avatar Body Collision: enactments in distributed
performance practices
- Helen's introduction to Cyberformance
- Leena's research Chatterbots: Crash Test Dummies of
Communication about chat bots, communication and community
- From Paper and Ink to Pixels and Links,
article by Helen, publihshed in The Open Page, 2001.
and off-line:
- Articles by on internet theatre by Ana Vujanovic:
"Internet Theatre: A critical introduction", Teatron, theatre
magazine, nos. 124-125, Belgrade, 2003: (Serbian)
"New (Theories of) Dramaturgy and Performing Arts", Literary News,
no. 6 (Bulgarian), Sofia, 2004
"Internet Theatre: The tiger's jump into history (of theatre)", TkH, no. 7, Belgrade,
2004: (Serbian)
"Digital: Internet Theater and Cyberformance" - Digital Art: Theory and Practice, University of
Arts, Beolgarde (forthcoming) 2004: (Serbian)
- "Who Else Can I Be? Enjoying Improvisational and Interactive Drama" - chapter by Toni Sant titled "The Internet as
a Dramatic Medium", featuring the work of Avatar Body Collision and UpStage. To be published by Heinemann in 2005.
- "Cyberspace as a Theatre Stage: Transitional Modes of Narrative and Incarnation in Cybertheater Practices" - forthcoming
PhD thesis (2007) by Maria X (Goldsmiths, London)
digital/networked performance
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