created & performed by
helen varley jamieson
audio by peter winter,
sally rodwell & anonymous
thanks to
annie abrahams,
charmet, and
panoplie.org |
28/29 January 2008
as part of the Breaking
Solitude [season 2] series
(archived here)
articles/reviews about Breaking Solitude:
Solitude: dernier salon (du Net) où l'on cause Rhizome
second performance
22 March 2008 at the
Magdalena Aotearoa Gathering
this performance features a
Pollock's Toy Theatre |
Log (28-29 January 2008)
helen: yes, it is 8am here
jamieson helen: i will start now ....
bérénice belpaire: so just do it
clément charmet: de l'impossibilit d'avoir une conversation
franche sur la solitude sur le net
Les Topiques: Who's Frank
clément charmet: j'adore anonymous. c'est le meilleur
Michel Lefebvre: Lonelinesw with the dead is experienced when standing still
in from of a coffin.
élisabeth klimoff: il y a du son ?
annie abrahams: il faut mettre le son à fond
Les Topiques: oui il y a du son
la spesa: oui mais faible
James Cunningham: so busy!
bérénice belpaire: faible mais oui
annie abrahams: l'histoire est mienne
annie abrahams: un prince dans le bois?
clément charmet: avec un casque de headphone, l'audio est fine
annie abrahams: ils s'embrassent?
annie abrahams: they kiss?
suzon fuks: dance
bérénice belpaire: c'est pareil
ruth ruthc: nice flat!
suzon fuks: it is midnight minus 5 minutes on the clock
bérénice belpaire: murder time
ruth ruthc: behind you!
James Cunningham: because everything always changes at midnight
clément charmet: it's just a drum tambour
annie abrahams: musicians?
clément charmet: with cymbales
gabriella sacco: musicians yes
clément charmet: better for dancing
Michel Lefebvre: It is always minus something somewhere. It is like whould we
be if we had tken another decision at some spedific time in our past.
bérénice belpaire: there is a M like...
suzon fuks: well sally had an incredible prince charmant!
garrett marc: hi everyone :-)
clément charmet: hi mar
clément charmet: c
suzon fuks: solitude afteer his death
Jan de Weille: bonsoir
ruth ruthc: yo!
suzon fuks: bonjour!
ruth ruthc: nice special effects
Michel Lefebvre: I have a aunt slowly starting to rebuild her life after my uncle's
clément charmet: yes, it's made with Flash -0.2
annie abrahams: they are shopping?
bérénice belpaire: where is superman?
James Cunningham: prince charming in yellow shorts
garrett marc: bonjour :-)
clément charmet: sound of streets
ruth ruthc: I see sausages, sweets and lace
James Cunningham: the manning crowd
annie abrahams: he has fallen?
ruth ruthc: o oh!
clément charmet: pietined
bérénice belpaire: elle va finir tondue
ruth ruthc: the mob
annie abrahams: why is he punished?
clément charmet: police ?
James Cunningham: they look accusing
ruth ruthc: what is in her hand
annie abrahams: What's happening?
John Hopkins: all is happening!
clément charmet: she is being attacked by a paon
annie abrahams: life tries to carres her?
James Cunningham: the eye of peacock!
bérénice belpaire: vanished
Jan de Weille: abduction
élisabeth klimoff: dragon !
James Cunningham: destruction
Les Topiques: Oh No
Michel Lefebvre: No do not put the theatre in flames !
annie abrahams: he is dead
annie abrahams: and she?
Jan de Weille: she
suzon fuks: peaock is plenty, luck and....
Michel Lefebvre: Life is a candle
garrett marc: the camera has dropped!
ruth ruthc: and the band plays on
James Cunningham: a candle for tthe dead
annie abrahams: .................
suzon fuks: waiting for sally call
bérénice belpaire: she's dead, he is away...
annie abrahams: waiting for a call from the dead?
ruth ruthc: bring.....bring.....
James Cunningham: nice tune
Piotr Adamczyk: {the birds in the background are priceless}
John Hopkins: all burns in the eye of the candle
Jan de Weille: a sad story it seems
Michel Lefebvre: Deads are like souvenirs, they never get real again.
clément charmet: gone with the wind
James Cunningham: lol
clément charmet: no ring
suzon fuks: finished
James Cunningham: that breath was real!
Les Topiques: clapclapclap
bérénice belpaire: i'm very sad, it's tragic
clément charmet: clap
suzon fuks: clap clap
annie abrahams: the flame is out
Michel Lefebvre: It seems like if the wind has blown.
John Hopkins: bravo!
clément charmet: clapppppppppclap
ruth ruthc: e
James Cunningham: yay!
annie abrahams: no more reaching for the dead.
James Cunningham: bravo!
Michel Lefebvre: Trippy !!!!
clément charmet: \o/
Les Topiques: clapclapclap again
bérénice belpaire: this is the end
jamieson helen: : )
James Cunningham: clap clap
Michel Lefebvre: I turn the page
annie abrahams: bravo
Peter Winter: Still the birds sing :)
garrett marc: q-)
John Hopkins: whistle from the balcony!
ruth ruthc: muchos applause
jamieson helen: the birds always sing
Jan de Weille: Is the story to remain only yours?
garrett marc: thank you
clément charmet: /me standing
élisabeth klimoff: merci
jamieson helen: the story is always yours
jamieson helen: merci : )
gabriella sacco: muchas gracias querida
ruth ruthc: no it isn't - it's mine!
jamieson helen: gabi!!!! : )
gabriella sacco: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Michel Lefebvre: We make ourself our own.
garrett marc: i like the fiddling noise...
jamieson helen: kiss kiss kiss!!!!!
Jan de Weille: the story I partly made up myself hence
gabriella sacco: kiss to you and all the ones in the story
gabriella sacco: which i thought was mine
John Hopkins: nice to see friends here!
Michel Lefebvre: Nice to see you !
jamieson helen: hi john!!! : )
gabriella sacco: good morning!
ruth ruthc: now we see you!
garrett marc: yo helen!
James Cunningham: he he there you are
John Hopkins: are you in Oz?
ruth ruthc: it looks early
jamieson helen: thanks everyone for coming, especially those of you who got up
really really early : )
jamieson helen: i'm in wellington at the moment
annie abrahams: verry early
jamieson helen: new zealand
Michel Lefebvre: How do you feel being at the center of the story ?
jamieson helen: it's 8.15am
James Cunningham: she's in NZ
jamieson helen: i don't really feel like i'm at the centre of it
clément charmet: in france it's 8 pm hehe... we did organize :)
John Hopkins: so we are half a world from you here in Berlin...
gabriella sacco: 8 pm in italy too
jamieson helen: the story i was telling is not my story, but that of a friend
of mine
Michel Lefebvre: Well if not at the center, somewhere in between...
jamieson helen: of several of the people who are here
garrett marc: ah Berlin....
James Cunningham: 5am brisbane
John Hopkins: it's nice to hear your keys tapping ;-))
jamieson helen: yes i feel like i am a channel or a facilitator for the story
suzon fuks: yep....possum story in the kitchen just before going to the computer....welcoming
the day
clément charmet: a whole world: we are on top and you on bottom (or the
Michel Lefebvre: 2:15 Montreal
annie abrahams: but what was the story?
annie abrahams: why was he killed?
suzon fuks: shitting on the kitchen bench and eating the apple!!
jamieson helen: it is the story of my friend sally rodwell\
jamieson helen:
garrett marc: yes - the story, good question
Jan de Weille: The story is your friends? really?
John Hopkins: you can do a aural monologue, you know, we'll hear/see!
bérénice belpaire: was it the last breaking solitude for the saison...???with
this little death???
jamieson helen: her husband diedsuddenly of a heart attack
jamieson helen: & she became very depressed and lonely without him
suzon fuks: the story is sally who lost her prince charmant and fell in solitutde
and committed suicide
James Cunningham: oh
jamieson helen: he was a poet, she was a performer
suzon fuks: sally wasa theatre maker
jamieson helen: well they were both artists in many forms
ruth ruthc: oh no!
suzon fuks: one of the magdalena mama
jamieson helen: sally made wonderful masks
James Cunningham: and the crowd who were they?
jamieson helen: the crowd were all the people around them
jamieson helen: they had friends & colleagues all over the world
suzon fuks: it was her voice
jamieson helen: gabi - sally was in cuba in 2005 at the first festival there
Les Topiques: life can be so sad
garrett marc: i enjoyed the real-tiime quality of it all
gabriella sacco: i m,et her onlyonce in holstebro at the festuge in 2005
jamieson helen: yes it is a tragedy this story - i'm sorry
James Cunningham: you can talk if you want
jamieson helen: i kind of prefer to type because then it keeps everything in
the log
jamieson helen: annie - does the log get saved?
John Hopkins: yes, right...
clément charmet: yes it's saved
ruth ruthc: I like watching you type
ruth ruthc: : ))
bérénice belpaire: no no it's life
James Cunningham: all is saved
clément charmet: yes , all :)
jamieson helen: i'm my dreams i am a mute ; )
annie abrahams: :)
suzon fuks: ah a smile!
clément charmet: we record all of your webcams now
John Hopkins: hehe
jamieson helen: could you see things clearly enough on the stage?
James Cunningham: new motto : do things that can't be saved
annie abrahams: why the peacock feather?
suzon fuks: i like your phone. it is a cousin from my calling home ones!
gabriella sacco: more or less
jamieson helen: the phone is from my childhood
John Hopkins: say things unheard,
Jan de Weille: its death*
jamieson helen: so is the theatre
suzon fuks: a bit of a different shape
garrett marc: so how about the difference in performing it in real-time compared
to other ways?
suzon fuks: can u bring it to Oz?
James Cunningham: unrecorded
gabriella sacco: peacock feather is a divine feature in India
gabriella sacco: God is all-attractive, like the peocock
suzon fuks: great
jamieson helen: bring the show to oz?
garrett marc: she's a giant!
jamieson helen: i don't think i could bring the theatre
clément charmet: it's an ultraportable phone
bérénice belpaire: niiiiice
James Cunningham: yes the feather looked like a big eye
Michel Lefebvre: Death is often dramatic. I know somenone in Chili whose life
is always complicated. On December, her mentally fragile husband disapeared and
was found in the sea on December 27. Just as dramatic as his life could end.
suzon fuks: the hearing bit is a bit flatter
bérénice belpaire: vintage?
gabriella sacco: it's beautiful
bérénice belpaire: je reconnais, c'est à montpellier
garrett marc: nice home
ruth ruthc: ooooh seeing behind the wizzard of Oz's curtain
clément charmet: it's cool to have such a small scene, with an audience
all over the world
suzon fuks: yes....sinking...had a friend who saved another friend from the sea
and in return was taken away by it
ruth ruthc: those guy's were my favourite
James Cunningham: that stage is amazing where'd you get it?
ruth ruthc: you can't beat a good mob
suzon fuks: drowing
suzon fuks: drowning
garrett marc: a pleasent deconstruct :-)
suzon fuks: beautiful miniature world
jamieson helen: my dad bought the stage in the 1970s, on one of his trips to
jamieson helen: it's a victorian "pollock's theatre"
annie abrahams: What was the voice telling on the phone in the beginning?
James Cunningham: fab
jamieson helen: pollock was a toy maker, of beautiful victorian toys & minatures
jamieson helen: the voice on the phone at the beginning
élisabeth klimoff: pas d'art sans vérité
clément charmet: and then he started to drop paint
jamieson helen: is a series of messages left on peter's answerphone
jamieson helen: by a desperate and anonymous woman
jamieson helen: peter - do you want to say anything about it?
bérénice belpaire: pas d'art sans mensonge
Peter Winter: Well I have no idea who that woman was
jamieson helen: (another desperate and lonely person ... )
Peter Winter: Strange
bérénice belpaire: enfin je voulais dire pas de vérité sans
annie abrahams: I don't think there are any lies in here
James Cunningham: she was ananymous of course
jamieson helen: i thought it very poignant that she was leaving such a desperate
cry for help on a stranger's phone
garrett marc: do have to be lonely to be desperate?
suzon fuks: an ex?maybe?
Peter Winter: well, yes and she left the messages on the 15 th of october
James Cunningham: no no lying
jamieson helen: no, you can be one or the other
clément charmet: hehe a forgotten ex
garrett marc: lol
bérénice belpaire: no juste déus ex machina
Peter Winter: one year after Sally left us
James Cunningham: precise date
jamieson helen: yes, the 15th october is the aniversary of sallly's death
suzon fuks: a dumped woman...!?
Jan de Weille: Whats a pollocks theatre please? wikipedia remains silent
jamieson helen: the voicesaying "the story is mine" is sally
clément charmet: oh so you think she may have known her
jamieson helen: pollock was a victorian toy maker
jamieson helen: he sold replicas, minatures, & toys
jamieson helen: one of his specialities was model theatres
Peter Winter: I don't think so
garrett marc: need to look some of this somewhere...
Jan de Weille: thank you
gabriella sacco: was she saying this sentence or did you put different words
clément charmet: just random...
jamieson helen: with books that have all the sets & characters for the shows
garrett marc: i do...
gabriella sacco: it's a beautiful sound
suzon fuks: wow so we recycle the old to the cyberpace!
jamieson helen: yes : )
garrett marc: was the sound separate to the visuals?
clément charmet: hehe we recycle everyting
James Cunningham: well done Helen's dad for scooping that one up
jamieson helen: that is another theatre, just a cardboard one
jamieson helen: theone i used for the performance is wood
clément charmet: can you scan the front, so that I can put it around the
webcam picture in the next "salon"
jamieson helen: sure
jamieson helen: probably easier to photograph it
bérénice belpaire: oh yess nice idea
clément charmet: I'm looking for a more "baroque" style for
jamieson helen: the cardboard one is less faded
suzon fuks: yes i like the jump in time to still say the (same ?) stories
bérénice belpaire: et j'ai les cartes du tarot marseillais si tu
veux des personnages
clément charmet: ouais
jamieson helen: but the wooden one has the orchestra pit
annie abrahams: Dear Helen
annie abrahams: thank you very very much
clément charmet: pocket theatre
James Cunningham: faded is ok
Michel Lefebvre: Thank you, bye bye !
jamieson helen: you're welcome : )
jamieson helen: thanks everyone for coming, i hope you liked it
clément charmet: yes thank you helen
Les Topiques: Aurevoir à tous, encore bravo!
clément charmet: it was super
jamieson helen: thank you clement & annie!
suzon fuks: i have one cardboard theatre which contains a collection of miniature
books, ,les contes de Perrault....travelled across the oceans
garrett marc: ok - looks like it's time to depart - thanks for the performance
annie abrahams: yes it was touching
James Cunningham: faded is good
John Hopkins: thanks again Helen!
clément charmet: thanks to all the audience
b vero: thank you bye bye!
jamieson helen: thanks marc & ruth : )
jamieson helen: thanks john!
Jan de Weille: yes I enjoyed it very much
jamieson helen: & everyone!!
jamieson helen: great : )
b vero: clap clap clap
Peter Winter: Thank you helen, cup of tea time now :)
bérénice belpaire: me to
suzon fuks: i like the analogies and time jumps
annie abrahams: bye et bise
Jan de Weille: bye
garrett marc: i would like to experience it again
John Hopkins: Thanks Annie for facilitating this nice series!
élisabeth klimoff: les remerciements de panoplie aussi
bérénice belpaire: have a nice day...
jamieson helen: well i would like to do it again too : )
James Cunningham: I liked how the audience kept each other informed of the story
jamieson helen: i will have to read the log
ruth ruthc: thanks all I'm going to dream tonight of the paper mob and the sound
of helen's tapping away on her keyboard
suzon fuks: thank you
garrett marc: yes tahnks annie ans clement
jamieson helen: i couldn't look at it at all while doing it
garrett marc: cool
jamieson helen: sweet dreams : )
clément charmet: :)
James Cunningham: kind of a comraderie
ruth ruthc: : ))))
bérénice belpaire: oui merci Annie pour toutes ces rencontres :
bientôt de nouvelles?
jamieson helen: bye : )
ruth ruthc: bye folks
garrett marc: cute bunnies all......l-)
suzon fuks: bzzzzzz
Piotr Adamczyk: thanks for putting it all together and posting about the performance
- glad to have caught it...
clément charmet: bye bye bye bye .:.:.
jamieson helen: i'll stop broadcasting now
John Hopkins: ciao! wave!
James Cunningham: \o/
Peter Winter: Bye all.....
élisabeth klimoff: bye
garrett marc: ok -turn us off we're addicted`!!!!!!
jamieson helen: bye : )